Saturday, May 14, 2011


I don't know how to explain what this blog is all about. So, if you find my writing to be unclear or nonsensical, you may be right. Inasmuch as I love to write when I cam, I acknowledge the potential pitfalls our words can lead us to. This is even truer perhaps when we try to capture an emotion or a feeling we have. When we attempt to talk or conceive of thoughts happening in our own minds!

I find that many take our minds for granted. That is, until we develop problems or we are forced to reflect about such things as where our lives are going and, ultimately, on what our purpose in life is. It's true that there may be no real purpose for us being alive and it's all wishful thinking or downright human pride to believe that we have any purpose for living. However, we still seek refuge in an idea or believe to guide us on.

I'm not simply talking abut atheists here, for even a non-believer may have a strong sense of ethics and morality. Rather, I'm talking about the reality of human existence which doesn't emerge in isolation. Inevitably and may be shocking, the fact is that we need other people to define who we are. But you knew that already, didn't you?

And yet, we seem to forget this. Until we are placed in a situation where we encounter a problem or need help. Then we realize that our belief in an autonomous, independent and sells-sufficient persons (we think we are) are only partly true. That our perception of the world is influenced by those who came before us and those in our world. There's no escaping this for even the claims made by some that they are 'unbelievers' is a human construct that has been around since the mythical Eden.

I'm not claiming that our lives are the same or that we can speak of a state of equality between people and nations. This is the unfortunate condition of our world unless we become aware of our common humanity. Our basic vulnerabilities in face of death. And that is partly why we are afraid to die. We are afraid to lose what we have and, worst of all, of losing our own identity. We are scared of being alone in an unknown state.

Yes, it will happen. Are we prepared? Am I prepared?

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