Since that time, I have continued to cultivate my practice and to grow in mindfulness and compassion. Over these months, I have read and listened to books, podcasts and talks on the teachings of Buddha (or dharma talks). I continue to learn and explore what it means to be a human being and have discovered a profound value in life that transcends all the attachments and limitations that we often choose to impose onto ourselves and on others. This, I learned is the real source of y suffering, or in Pali, ‘dukkha’.
I don’t feel that I have to convince you or anyone that the path I chose to go deeper into Buddhism is the right way for all. In fact, one thing that I always admired in HH the Dalai Lama was his appeal to first follow the spiritual tradition of your family and, then, if necessary, follow another path and not necessarily the Buddhist way either. I find myself now in a position when I can say, I have found meaning and peace in Buddhism.
And, here, I don’t mean that I have espoused the teaching and dogma of the religion such as the hierarchy of the many gods that can be found in the religious tradition. Indeed, unlike other faith traditions, God or any notions of a god are, somehow, irrelevant as we have the ultimate responsibility over our actions and on our happiness. Still, it would be unfair to call Buddhism as ‘atheistic’ but, rather, as ‘non-theistic’.
I think that Buddhism did make me reconsider the representation of God or what God is or whether such a creator exists or not. I believe today that if we really wish to find God, God is to be found in the experience of life, in others and in ourselves. But, another thing I have learned through my readings of the Dalai Lama, is that often we become attached too much on ideas about who we are and giving undue importance to the things we have or the status and reputation we have gained in society rather than recognise how really temporary all these things are.
How, we fail, many times to appreciate the life we’ve got, the life we have been given, the little time we have on this world. We fail to appreciate all the world, all the people and all the gifts we have that enable us to live another day. I, myself, have much to learn.
As I prepare to welcome a new night and await another morning, I think about many things. I reflect about my life and how, even these hard times, I continue hoping in tomorrow. Not that I don’t get angry or sad, but putting things into perspective, I find refuge in the fact that nothing is permanent and, even if my life would end tomorrow, I did my best to be authentic and true to who I am.
For, as I spent time growing in my self-discovery, the more I realise how much this life is precious and how much more I’m limited and dependant. I smile as I remember HH Dalai Lama’s candid laugh and calm words. Words uttered without pretension or arrogance. Words spoken in the language of love and genuine compassion.
Happy birthday, Your Holiness!!!
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