Monday, January 2, 2012

Facing the Call - Part 1

I confess that there have been a lot of thoughts going through my mind over the holidays. Now that we’re in 2012, I feel I must deal with this sense of unfulfillment and longing that has appeared consistently over the course of the last weeks. There is no denying that I have lived a good life - despite any problems that I had to deal with over my relatively short life. Indeed, 30 years is really just a little amount of time and experience in the history of a person. One can imagine, then, how insignificant this period of life would be when compared to that of the oldest creature alive, or to that of the world or else, the universe.

However, the fact remains that I believe that I learned a lot from the experiences that I went through. And there is so much more that I need to learn. It’s far too easy to seek refuge in the familiar but this isn’t how life works. I have often wondered as I meditate about the meaning of my life. I have gone through a lot of hardships but, so far, I survived. Yet, despite this fact, there is still a part of me which fears the future. After all, there were so many things that happened in my life that I didn’t expect or prepare for, such as the increase in the severity of my physical impairment and, later, the acquisition of a visual impairment. Yes, I have prevailed as a visually impaired wheelchair user but this is not out of any extraordinary will or courage.

The fact is that if I hadn’t adapted to the changes which happened in my life, some of resulting in radical changes, I would either lose my mind or else close myself to the world or even spend the rest of my life on a death wish. But, in no way, am I free of dark moments where I wished I had never been born at all. These are only natural feelings that we sometimes must deal with in the course of life. Surviving is a matter predicated by many factors that are, in most cases, beyond our control. And, still, the little degree of choice we have control over is enough to make that difference in our lives.

However, that moment of choice must be taken seriously and with great responsibility. Of course, not all decisions in life carry the same weight and the consequences of decisions aren’t always that clear or predictable. At the same time, a few decisions require of us the courage to take them or else risk to lead a life of regret or denial. In both cases, we will end up disappointed - living a life we do not really like or to simply settle within our comfort zones and keeping our potential to a limit. As I proceed in my investigation of Buddhism, I am encouraged to take a step forward into the darkness of my soul. Haven’t I gone there before already?

In the course of the next posts, I’ll try to go further into an important question. One that concerns the very purpose of my life in view of changing circumstances.. Ultimately, it’s an exercise to explore whether I have gained enough experience to face the call within.

Continues ...

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